Discover easy-to-use tools, practical methods and the pioneering mindset around Business Model Innovation.
Innovation mindset
Innovation comes from experimenting and learning
Everyone talks about "Fehlerkultur" error culture as key to new work. But how can you really introduce it to an organization? Quite simply: by trying things out. And that's exactly what we do with the help of this tool: experiment in a targeted and structured way.
Circular value chain
Change starts with understanding
Circular business design is still in its very beginning stages. We have a few slides (16:9 ppt format) for you with useful infographics. Feel free to use them to better communicate the issue within your organization and outside to your stakeholders.
How it works
4 steps to start innovating right away
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Top 10 experiments any team can run
You want to innovate, but between you and the future lies the valley of uncertainty? The easiest way to cross it is to make specific assumptions and start experiments. Two pieces of good news: you can only win by experimenting; and experimentation will generate even more valuable insight in times of uncertainty.
Innovation Training
Innovation is top priority and yet not on top of the training program
Well thought-out innovations don't fall from the sky. Yet many ideas in business do. Through target group-oriented training of executives, team managers and team members, these ideas can finally be turned into well thought-out innovations. Some learn how to turn ideas into plans; others learn how to support their teams in a targeted way. As a result, everyone is pulling in the same direction. Use our slides (16:9 ppt format), as a basis of rationale for introducing a training program around intrapreneurship and innovation within your organization.
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Reach out to us
We know from experience: Innovation is a tough job. Katharina is experienced on both the corporate and consulting side. She is very good at turning challenges into opportunities. Benefit from her skills and expertise. Connect with her for a 30-minute informal call. Discuss ways to facilitate a workshop, drive innovation, or develop simple yet powerful strategies.
Learning journey
Top 3 canvases to advance your business ideas
Everyone already knows the Business Model Canvas?! We agree. That's why we're providing you with 3 canvases here that will surely accelerate your innovation journey. 5 Bold Steps - Idea Assessment - Prototype Landing Page. For those who work with online collaboration tools, we are also happy to provide a template in MIRO or MURAL. Just ping.
Social business model canvas
Tool & guideline for building businesses non-profit oriented
The purpose of every company is becoming more and more central. Social business models are already ahead of the game: that's what they're all about. The focus is on creating a positive impact for society and the environment. From our experience as a mentor for, an initiative of the German Chancellor, we have developed a Social Business Model Canvas. And of course, we're all about sharing it.
Corporate Innovation programs
We tailor program to your needs - but we also know what others in the market need. This is why we offer some pre-defined programs. Explore them – even if it is only for your inspiration.
Learning Journey
Give your team the chance to learn & transform your business.
Experiment Itinerary
Reduce your cost of innovation
Strategy MISSION
Get unstuck to unleash your competitive advantage.
Business re-imagined: circular