Based on our experience in various industries, we have developed corporate innovation programs that will inspire and enable you to build better business models. What differentiates our programs: we empower your teams to design their own paths into the future and thus shape the transformation of your business themselves.
innovation JOURNEY
Give your team the chance to learn –
and transform your business at the same time
Innovation will not happen if you stand still. If you want to restructure an existing business or even invent one, then we suggest you move into the future. After all, innovation happens when you and your team break through your self-imposed and cherished thought barriers and leave your comfort zone. Start exploring changing markets, new customer habits and breakthrough technologies. Get on the road and follow the stages of the Innovation Journey – or as we like to call it: Learning Journey.
We will start this with an open-ended “What if…” question to explore new paths to the future. You and your teams will take new heights, cross the valley of hope, pass the highlands of courage and boldness, take a deep breath at the lake of inspiration, and finally leave the territory of uncertainty behind – focused on your customer and guided by curiosity. When you reach the final stage, you’ll be able to understand what it takes to make your business, your customer solutions, and your teams competitive.
The beautiful thing is that your team – like you – will have figured it out along the way and will be actively engaged in the transformation.
Our "how" gets you ahead
Our broad experience and understanding of how global corporates work and take decisions make us the perfect sparring partner to tackle your next challenge. We swiftly know how to turn your business challenge into a tailored concept which will take all stakeholders along and result in tangible outcomes.
We work together with you, your teams and executives and take everyone involved with us, so that the change happens as if by itself. We are aware of our limitations and therefore consistently expand our network for you. What counts for us is the result and the journey to get there.
We work independently of any industry. Business model innovation is a toolbox, a method and a mindset. We know how to tailor it to all markets and industries. And we substantiate it with classic analysis and consulting methods for even more effective results.
We live the growth mindset fed by our insatiable curiosity. Thus, we automatically integrate the latest trends and academic concepts. From this, we develop creative and intelligent strategies with foresight that result in actionable plans.
Reduce your cost of innovation
If you are introducing a new business model to the market, you probably want to make sure that you have developed a solution that meets the expectations of your target group and finds corresponding sales. So, up front, it’s all about reducing the risk of failure and, in turn, decreasing the cost of innovation. In our experimentation path, we examine exactly those areas where you would like to look away, blinded by the greatness of your idea: The focus is on assumptions and unknown factors. Through systematic testing and learning, these can be specifically uncovered and reduced.
We enable your teams to set up experiments in a structured and focused way so that you can derive important insights from them. The increasing confidence in the method leads your teams to more and faster iterations – and thus closer and closer to the final solution.
A nice side effect: Your corporate culture also increasingly benefits from this program. You are moving further towards a learning organization that can develop flexible options for the challenges of the future.
Fail often.
Succeed sooner.
David M. Kelley, Founder Stanford

Fail often.
Succeed sooner.
David M. Kelley, Founder Stanford
Get unstuck to unleash your competitive advantage
Sometimes you just need a look from the outside, a new perspective, and a structured way forward opens up. Your team is caught in the fog of day-to-day business, markets and customer behavior are changing, you can’t see the forest for the trees. These things happen. Then it’s important to take action and get unstuck.
We have developed a proven and unique approach to sharpen your focus. Following the principles of design thinking, we staff a team of internal (and possibly external) experts and follow the stages of the innovation journey. We start by understanding the status quo, then reflect on the multitude of new insights, find new directions during the ideation process, and use them to develop a compelling vision and strategy options.
What makes this approach so special is the seamless collaboration that occurs throughout your organization as we take everyone on this journey. We empower your team to find and shape its own path – following the voice of the market.
Alexander Osterwalder,
Author Business Model Canvas

Alexander Osterwalder,
Author Business Model Canvas
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We believe in collaboration. That’s why we love to share.
Get a firsthand glimpse at our what and how. Our open resource library gives you greater insight into our expertise. We offer templates to get you started. Find out how easy we can help you take the first step to transforming your teams and your business.
Business re-imagend: Circular
Sustainability is increasingly evolving from a fact report on the footprint of individual product components to a comprehensive concept that implies profound changes of today’s business models. Our previous “take – make – waste” approach is no longer an option. Raw materials are becoming less and less, while waste mountains are growing to ever new heights.
Smart concepts, fresh ideas and seamless collaboration across industries and supply chains are needed to bring the core idea of the circular economy “reduce – reuse – recycle” to life. The question is not whether you want to change your company and your business model. Rather, the question is how you want to change and whether you are destined to shape the change.
Together with you and your teams, we re-imagine, re-design and re-energize your business. We host inspiration sessions, build momentum, identify new opportunities, facilitate ideas with internal and external stakeholders forward, backward and sideways of your supply chain, and ensure we deliver actionable results.
Ellen MacArthur,
Sailor & Founder Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Ellen MacArthur,
Sailor & Founder Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Digital, live, around the globe
Our natural habitat is where we can innovate together
We are ready to bring the spirit of innovation to any format, anywhere you need us. Our depth of experience in digital formats spans oceans. So we can activate the innovation muscle of you and your teams at any time. However, when the situation allows, we strongly advocate live meetings. The quality, enthusiasm, activity level and outcome are always something else entirely.
We love being on the road to the Country of Breakthrough Ideas: be it in thought, on location in Munich or actually traveling. Because we are used to setting out, packing our idea cards, sticky notes and strategy boards – and unpacking our awareness of different cultural backgrounds. German, English, Italian – all you have to do is select the language and location. We’ll be there!
Want to innovate but not yet sure how?